Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Experiencing Technical Difficulties

Hey kids. Oh the past two days have been an adventure. Part of the adventure I can't really talk about. Part of the adventure simply serves as proof that Tom Petty was right, the waiting is the hardest part. And part of the adventure is that my darling computer is once again on the fritz. Optimistically, the OS is "severely corrupted". Pessimistically, the hard drive is shot. Either way, the brains of No Radio Records are currently out of commission, leaving me to engage the spare Central Nervous System that is the Public Library. Luckily I still have my Portabrain and my Spare Brain, but without a monitor, these don't amount to much.

In other news, Steve G. will be operating the hi-fi at Kbar this evening. Steve's a deep catalog man. At least that's what I hear. I'll be rushing over there after I get back from the 'Cuse. I get to make two, count em two trips to the 'Cuse this week. Jealous?

Tomorrow, the meeting with Habitat of Ithaca to talk furnishing. Thursday, the meeting with the landlord to talk repairs. This weekend (fingers crossed) a look at the first assembled shelving unit. And more importantly, the return of the Professor! She will bring us secrets of the inscrutable East and we will bring her...beers, and possibly some chips!


Anonymous said...

the hard drive on my ibook just died too. i had to get it replaced, and i lost all my music from january 2006-on. for some reason my other back ups didn't work. so...i am sad and stephen malkmus-less, amongst other tragically missing music.

No Radio said...

I'm of two minds and two hearts about iBooks right now. But I'm back up and running, sans all my writing and graphics stuff from the last two or three months. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Ooo!! Do you mean me? Do you mean me? Or do you mean the Professor as in "Gilligan" in which case, can I be Mary Ann?

