Tuesday, August 08, 2006

You've Been in the House Too Long, She Said: Dance Party Returns!

Hello Ithacans! Oh, my lovelies, I had such plans for this summer. This was to be The Summer of Rock! It was going to rock through June and July, til we all got August wondering, "Could this rock anymore?" And then it was going to continue rocking!

Instead, here at the offices of No Radio Records (soon to be relocating from out of my livingroom and into the larger world), it has been the Summer of Crushing Heat and the Summer of Inhaling Fumes. Which still makes it better than 2001, which was the Summer of My German Soldier. That summer was no fun at all. But terribly punctual.

But no more! In the interests of
1. Charity
2. Shameless Self Promotion
3. Rocking

we at No Radio are proud to announce....

round whatever the christ round it would be if we hadn't gone so long without a dance party that I forgot what the last one was
The Smiths vs. The Cure
Saturday August 12th
at the Chantiloft
(above and ever-so-slightly beyond the Chanticleer)
staring at 9pm and going til I kick you deadbeats out of the inevitable afterparty at my house.

Luke (DJ Luke Fenchel) Fenchel and myself return to our Dance Partying roots with the original Chantiloft match up. Last time, my Morrissey respect barely edged out Luke's teenage-girlish love of Robert Smith and all things B-side. Since then, Luke has been repeating the mantra "Just Like Heaven is a great song, Just Like Heaven is a great song" with monkish dedication, while I've gotten in touch with my inner Morrissey on a karaoke stage in Chicago (I've been telling people for years I had a little celibate British man inside me, but most of them thought that was a metaphor). So this time out it's anybody's game. Not that we're competing or anything.

More importantly, all proceeds will benefit Ride for Life, which, in case you don't know it, is a fundraising event for STAP, a thoroughly fantastic group of folks who do HIV counseling and outreach across the Southern Tier.

Come early so you can hear stuff like A Forest and Rubber Ring. Bring friends so you can reel around the fountain and do that little Love Cats dance you do that's so durn cute. Forward this message to other folks who like goodness and dancing and other such things (those of you with listserv access would earn a special special place in my heart).

Please do come, it's been so long since we've seen you in all your finery.


Anonymous said...


No Radio said...

Ahem. Yes. Date. This Saturday, August 12th. Lots of fumes inhaled by me of late.